Friday, November 18, 2011

Lets get some Sunshine in here, shall we?

I just read through my posts on this blog. My last one was a little bleek wasn’t it? I can’t let that be the first post showing anymore. I am feeling much better about myself, my surgery and my outlook on the future these days. In fact today is a GREAT day! I had been struggling with a weight loss plateau, in that 31 lbs was the MAX I could seem to lose. After 2 weeks in the gym I am 34 lbs down total now. I tore down that wall that was holding me back and am loving it. In honor of my 34 lb loss I thought I would list 34 positive changes/updates or just things to be thankful about that occurred as a direct result of losing those pounds.

34. I can buy less groceries and use less when I cook.
33. I eat less Carbs and my body runs better for it.
32. I have much less stomach issues than I used to.
31. I have a feeling that I can conquer the world, if I wanted to.
30. I am confident that I have extended my life.
29. I used to have intense back pain that kept me from doing so many things, I have very very little if any back pain anymore.
28. I used to have swollen feet (due to high blood pressure) Ive been on meds but it didn’t always help—it is getting much much better the more weight I lose.
27. I GYM-HOP! I actually go to the Gym’s website, look for the classes I want to take and drive across town, to different towns etc just to go the gym. I cant believe it myself.
26. I am becoming the person I want to be, not staying complacent with the person I am. I feel like I am discovering my true potential and I am excited about it.
25. Yall. I took a spin class. It kicked my BOOTY, but, I did it and it was a fear of mine, and I went and I didn’t DIE.
24. Sleepiness: I can get by with less sleep and I am not sleepy all the time, maybe my quality of sleep has gotten better?
23. I have ZERO heartburn.
22. I am PROUD of myself. Does not happen often to me.
21. This one should probably be higher, but, I feel deserving of good things. I know I should always feel that way, but I think its because I am proud of myself that I really feel that way now.
20. Socially I feel more connected. I actually want to make connections because I am not as depressed about my self image.
19. I am less concerned with food overall, it doesn’t seem to control all of my thoughts and actions as it sometimes has.
18. Not being out of breath as often (actually I don’t often get out of breath anymore) especially on days like today where we have a fire drill and I’m on the top floor of a very expansive building at a very large campus.
17. I feel like a better Mom, I can do things I wasn’t able to before, and I am more active and involved simply because I feel better.
16. I have HOPE like I have never had before.
15. I look forward to going to the gym, rather than dreading it! In fact its actually a highlight of my day these days.
14. I have found many amazingly supportive peeps along the way.
13. Overall I feel much stronger.
12. Overall I feel much prettier.
11. Overall I feel much healthier.
10. While I still sometimes feel like the Fat girl in the room, my internal dialogue immediately reminds me that I am making positive strides in changing that.
09. Clothes fit better and feel better-even though I still don’t see a difference in the mirror!
08. I am bringing my kids to the gym with me, to take classes with me.
07. I know I am being a good example to my kids.
06. The most pain I feel is from sore muscles, not backpain, headpain etc.
05. I no longer feel yucky everyday at the end of the day. I believe this has to do with the bad foods I was putting into my body (and the quantity) before.
04. Energy-I cannot believe how much more I have.
03. ZUMBA- Never would have had the nerve to go before!
02. My blood sugar. Pre-weight loss topped out at 101 which is pre-diabetic. It is now 87-which is out of the danger zone.
01. CONFIDENCE! I am still overweight, yes, actually very much so. BUT I have this newfound confidence in myself and with the things I can achieve that feels so good.